- 대한민국칠기명장 임충휴(제384호)
- 서울시 남부기술교육원 옻칠나전학과 교수
- 2015 국가직업능력 국무총리표창 수상
- 2018 서울시 문화상 수상 문화재 부분
2015 유럽3개국(벨기에,독일,영국)
문화원 전통공예 작품 전시
2018 2월 주헝거리문화원 작품전시
2018 4월 밀라노디자인워크 작품전시
2018 8월 청와대 사랑채 작품전시
- 나전칠기 구매문의 주문제작
010 8758 5757
#임충휴 #나전칠기 #임충휴명장
#서울시남부기술교육원 #옻칠나전과교수
#진성옻칠공예 #서울시문화상 # 문화재부문
#인천한옥호텔 #경원재 #남산한옥호텔 #이부진
#박중훈 #손혜원 #나전칠기박물관 #인천무형문화재 전시
#나전칠기제작방법 #진로체험 #전통문화체험
#고급외국인바이어선물 #시상품 #포상품 #귀빈선물
#기업체선물 #기업체포상 #판매왕포상 #명품결혼예물
#고급예물 #예물 #임원선물 #승진선물
#보험왕포상품 #부모님선물 #한국기념품 #전통공예품
#lacquer #souvenir #craft #자개보석함 #자개장 #옻칠 #칠기 #명품 #수공예 #인천 #인천한옥호텔 #경원재 #etsy
#문화재 #채율가구 #호텔입점 #고가구 #인사동 #삼청동
In this study, select the Republic of Korea mother-of-pearl lacquerware Lim chung hyu coach, I tried to find out the until the background and coach of his growth. And it was done looking for the elements of the future development of the mother-of-pearl lacquerware through the tendency of his work after the coach has been. Lim chung hyu coach is, unlike other mother-of-pearl lacquer craftsman, confirmed the affection and passion to his mother-of-pearl lacquerware as seen through the work to manufacture in his unique way. Through the mother-of-pearl lacquer-ware production processes and trends of his works of Lim chung hyu coach it increased the overall understanding of the mother-of-pearl lacquerware. The work of Lim chung hyu coach was studied analysis confirmed the superiority of the mother-of-pearl lacquer crafts that are completed through a number of steps. Through the work trend of the traditional while it adheres to craft system in pursuit of modernization together the Republic of Korea lacquerware masters Lim chung hyu coach, has described a vision for the potential of the development of the mother-of-pearl lacquerware to pursue him.
#임충휴 #나전칠기명장 #나전칠기제작방법 #인천한옥호텔 #경원재 #자개장 #자개장롱 #외국인접대선물 #비지니스접대선물 #판매왕포상품 #기업체선물 (0) | 2019.11.14 |
#임충휴 #전통공예후원회 #장학금 #나전칠기제작방법 #진로체험 (0) | 2019.11.14 |
#임충휴 #옻칠나전과교수 #서울시남부기술교육원 #나전칠기제작방법 #나전칠작품전시회 (0) | 2019.11.14 |
#임충휴 #자개장 #장롱 #외국인바이어선물 #vip귀빈선물 #비지니스접대선물 #거래처선물 #임원승진선물 (0) | 2019.11.14 |
#임충휴 #박중훈 #서울시문화상 #문화재부문 (0) | 2019.11.14 |